Hi everyone!
I decided to share some good articles through this humble website trying to teach beginner and show them some easy explanation and lessons. This website will be your preferred spot on the internet to learn the English language as a second language. The idea of creating this website came when I studied the language and took my diploma in November 2012, aiming to improve my English language through sharing some courses, ideas, experiences, and also some more tricks I've learned and got from professors in my university. In addition, I will look for the easiet way and available information that will help you in your process of learning. With some tips from the internet and books your English will be better here.
You might be wondering for whom this blog will be helpful precisely? Well, this website is useful for everybody, and especially students who want to learn English from the time they spend on the Internet. At www.yourenglishspot.com you will find interesting lessons in grammar, writing with some exercises, and short stories to enjoy your time and get vocabulary at the same time. Also, a lot of things which can help you to improve your English and learn it as a second language for business or communication.
Thank you!