Learn how to write a Conclusion paragraph quickly with examples

The paragraph composed from three basically elements ,The introduction paragraph (topic sentence),supporting sentences,and the concluding sentence.
Well,our topic today is about The concluding sentence,what is a concluding sentence?and how can we write one?To answer the previous questions continued the rest of the lines.

 A Concluding Sentence is the last sentence of a paragraph,and it summarizes everything that you just wrote about,also we can say that It restates the main idea of your paragraph.

 Basically, when writing a formal paper, you have three steps -- "Tell them what you're going to tell them" (the Introduction), "Tell them" (the Body), and "Tell them what you just told them" (the Conclusion).

All’s well that ends well The hardest sentence for some writers to write in a paper can be the last sentence. Here are some tips on writing that concluding sentence,A concluding sentence is the last sentence of paragraph,It restates the main idea of your paragraph in a way to remind the reader of what was the whole paragraph about,also as we just said it summarizes everything that you just wrote about and it is somewhat like your topic sentence restated in different words.

The best means to compose a concluding setntence is :
Go back and read your topic sentence.Indentify the key words and ideas that you have written in the sentence.Use synonyms (words that mean the same thing) to restate your topic sentence.

Here are words that can help start your conclusion sentence :
All in all,Certainly,Clearly,Truly ,Definitely,In conclusion,In fact,Obviously,Surely,To sum up

 Avoid introucing a new topic in your concluding setntece.It is still part of the whole paragraph and must carry on talking about the same paragraph.
Not all academic paragraphs contain concluding sentences,especially if the paragraph is narrative.

Here is an example which gave to me my professor :

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

Finally I hope you enjoyed this lesson,which had about the concluding sentence,I wish you had been learned how to write good concluding sentence in a paragraph,This post took me a lot of time support as by share it with your friends.