Most Common Mistakes In Using The Present and Present Perfect Continuous

Hello guys, this is the 2nd article of the published courses about tenses in English, In last post we have talked about the difference between present simple (I do) and present continuous (I am doing), you can check the previous lesson by clicking on the links below :
Present simple and present continuous ( common mistakes )

In this new article we will discuss the differences between present continuous (I am doing) and present perfect continuous (I have been doing). All that will be through explanation with example to make sure you understand it more clearly.

Differences between present simple and present continuous :
Formulation :
Present continuous :
As you remember from the last post,we need the verb 'To be' in the present tense,and the main verb + Ing form.

- I am playing Baseball
- You playing Baseball
- He/She is playing
- We are playing
- You are playing
- They are playing

Present perfect continuous

Now we need the verb 'To be' in the present perfect tense.
- I have been playing Baseball
- You have been playing Baseball
- He/She has been playing
- We have been playing
- You have been playing
- They have been playing

Present continuous,the verb 'To be' in the present tense + the main verb with 'ing form ',Presnet perfect continuous the verb 'To be' in the present perfect tense + the main verb with ing.
Let's move on usage now.

Usage :
When do we you use the present continuous ?

You should remember from the last article that the present continuous is for an action in progress.
Example :
1- I'm talking to you.

2- You're listening to me.(at the moment)

3- It's raining.

When do we you use the present perfect continuous ?

Present perfect continuous refers to an action that started in the past and is still in progress.
 So,If I tell you how long I've been listening to you ? I need to use the present perfect continuous.

1.1- I've been talking to you for 8 minutes.

We can also use the word 'since' to show when the action actually started.

2.2- I've been listening to you since 10:20.

If we say : How long you've been listening to me? we switch to the present perfect continuous.

2.3- You've been listening to me for few minutes.

3.3 - It has been raining all morning. (started this morning)

3.4 - It has been raining since I wake up. (started when i wake up)

Now let's look at these timelines, it might help you :
Present perfect :

Present perfect continuous :

The action started in the past,if you say when exactly when it started we use the word 'since',if you say how long it's been going on we use the word 'for' that's clearly differentiate between present continuous and present perfect continuous.
Note :
With the present perfect, the action is complete; with the present perfect continuous, the action began in the past but has not yet been completed.

Common mistakes :
The most common mistake is to use the present continuous instead of the present perfect continuous.
Example :

You're likely to say or to hear 
- I'm working here for three years. (mistake)
If you say how long? you need to change it to present perfect continuous.
- I have been working here for three years.

You may often say or hear :
- I study English for five months.(mistake)
and now you know you can say this,because you saying how long,you need to use the present perfect continuous.
- I have been studying English for five months.

- We are waiting since 4 o'clock.(mistake)
What should you say correct ?
- We have been waiting since 4 o'clock.

And finally I hope you find this post helpful.

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Unknown said…
thanks..good work.
Joseani said…
Thank you! It was very helpful.
Smart Ghost said…
You are most welcome!
Good luck.